Instructions for use Keto Diet

Keto Diet instructions for use

the instruction on the application of the Diet Keto

How to use the preparation for the transition of an organism in the consumption of fat? How should I take the capsules for safe weight loss through ketosis was smooth and effective? The answers to these questions are found in the instructions below. Also in the paper version of instructions supplied in the box with the capsules that can be ordered on-line in spain.

Before the meal drink a capsule Keto Diet, watered with clean water. Take the medicine three times a day. The course of application can vary from 3 weeks to 3 months after, it is recommended that the duration interval of one month. Gently, click the normal feeding, each day, reducing the amount of fat in the diet. After a pause, you can repeat the course.

The diet during the ketogenic diet as you should include foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids: flaxseed and olive oil, olives, oily fish, cheese, nuts, eggs. It allows for the consumption of protein from meat and meat products. Careful with the amount of carbohydrates, it is best not to consume more than 30 grams of carbohydrate a day, otherwise, an error may occur in the metabolism and the pause in the process of weight loss.


  • Weight above the norm for their growth of over 15%.
  • Characteristic of the fat deposits in the buttocks and abdomen, cellulitis.
  • Astnico syndrome, daily service of weakness, and depressive mood.


The capsules are designed for the safe use of weight reduction through the introduction of an organism in the state of ketosis, and have no side effects, thanks to the natural ingredients. But the medication should not be used to women in state of pregnancy or breastfeeding.